Original Prints from an Original Printmaker

John McGowan has been making prints for 60 years. Skilled in a variety of print techniques, he now focuses exclusively on screen-printing. Retired from art teaching some years ago, is working in his Northborough Studio to develop a portfolio of prints that reflect his interests in buildings, landscape and industry.
John uses a variety of image making techniques: drawing, painting, photography and computer processed imagery and combines them. In his prints, a gestural brushstroke can sit next to a precise drawing, a scanned image next to a transferred impression of a leaf. (see “Techniques”) After extensive experiments and ‘proofing’ of the image, the results are printed onto high quality paper in small, limited editions in his studio.
The compass of his subject matter started with a distinctly local flavor but recent print series have explored Venice, Rotherhithe and the Signal boxes of South Lincolnshire. Working in Oundle, he observes and records the quality and contrast of building styles along West Street. Collecting the morning paper, he finds the Church, Castle, Old School and Methodist Chapel in Northborough a rich and engaging subject matter. Inspired by the work of John Piper and German printmaker Gerd Winner, he wants to draw our attention to the architecture and Industrial Structures that our forebears have left behind. In late 2015, the Rotherhithe Suite was accepted into the collection of the Museum of London.
Print sales are donated to Cancer Research UK
Please see the Exhibitions page to find out where John's work is on display.
Sincere thanks to Christopher Duffill for his Website expertise.